Our son started tackle football this year and the season is now over. During the off season, my son has been setting up agility drills in the living room. All day long, he is tackling furniture, Mom, Dad, sister, and the family dog. My lovely wife stated, "You have to do something about this. Is there any programs out there for him to be involved in during the off season?" I started googling and found X5 Sports lab and enrolled him in the Speed and Agility program and attended introductory sessions. We are impressed with the facility and Darrell Watkins, the Owner at X5 Sports Lab. The agility drills in the living room and family tackling have minimized, and my son is hooked! We highly recommend X5!
Our son started tackle football this year and the season is now over. During the off season, my son has been setting up agility drills in the living room. All day long, he is tackling furniture, Mom, Dad, sister, and the family dog. My lovely wife stated, "You have to do something about this. Is there any programs out there for him to be involved in during the off season?" I started googling and found X5 Sports lab and enrolled him in the Speed and Agility program and attended introductory sessions. We are impressed with the facility and Darrell Watkins, the Owner at X5 Sports Lab. The agility drills in the living room and family tackling have minimized, and my son is hooked! We highly recommend X5!