Macon Occupatioal Medicine is performing a wonderful service to the community. When one considers the volume of clients they are servicing it is amazing to see how well they perform under such conditions.
Finally, we need to be fair and objective in condemning or judging Macon Occupatioal Medicine or the staff for that matter. Many of you go there with unrealistic expectations to begin with. Take some responsibility, you are far from Mr. or Miss Universe. They can only do so much, for the impossible you need God.
Macon Occupatioal Medicine is performing a wonderful service to the community. When one considers the volume of clients they are servicing it is amazing to see how well they perform under such conditions. Finally, we need to be fair and objective in condemning or judging Macon Occupatioal Medicine or the staff for that matter. Many of you go there with unrealistic expectations to begin with. Take some responsibility, you are far from Mr. or Miss Universe. They can only do so much, for the impossible you need God.