SCAMMER. Will lie to you and sell you parts that are completely worn out then tell you their warranty doesn't cover it. What good is a warranty backed up by a total liar. Stay far away, or you'll be sorry. We bought a CAT C13 from him, said it had 200k miles on it, but after it was delivered and plugged in AT a CAT dealer, ends up it has 800k+ miles. 1 month later, the head gasket is bad and he won't back his warranty, so he's trying to stiff us for half of a $6200+ repair bill that was caused by his lack of a moral compass.
SCAMMER. Will lie to you and sell you parts that are completely worn out then tell you their warranty doesn't cover it. What good is a warranty backed up by a total liar. Stay far away, or you'll be sorry. We bought a CAT C13 from him, said it had 200k miles on it, but after it was delivered and plugged in AT a CAT dealer, ends up it has 800k+ miles. 1 month later, the head gasket is bad and he won't back his warranty, so he's trying to stiff us for half of a $6200+ repair bill that was caused by his lack of a moral compass.